Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Distance: 750m swim, 19km bike, 5 km run
Time: 1:33:22

Ok so i don't look like a professional yet (no aerodynamic posture on a nice and fancy road bike) but i still had an awesome time. September 3rd was the Vancouver Tri - both sprint and Olympic distances. I'm really thankful i didn't do the Olympic because as it was, i found the swim really difficult. I found the wet suit had its pros and cons - it gave me extra buoyancy, but i felt constricted around my neck, and it made it hard to do breaststroke when i got tired of doing front crawl. Oh well! Despite wanting to give up before i had even reached the first buoy, i finished the swim about middle of the pack and ended up 84th of 180 something overall, 3/7 in my age group! But more importantly I completed it, without it being too traumatizing, mentally or physically. My plan now is to take some swimming lessons, so that next time I actually enjoy the swim portion and am not starting the tri off with a lot of doubt and a little freaking out!

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